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Katsam Enterprises

Water Reclamation Pressure Washing - St. Louis, MO

Posted on July 18th, 2019 by vapro
Reclamation Power Washing | Katsam Enterprises

Our reclamation pressure washing provides the same end result as a standard cleaning, but preventing the water from entering the drain system has several benefits.

  • Uses less water. Water is captured, reclaimed, filtered, and reused.
  • No water enters your drain. Dirty wash water is properly filtered offsite.
  • Maintain a bright, clean facility the environmentally friendly way!

Our Sustainable Process

Despite the fact that water covers 70% of the planet, only a miniscule 1% of it is accessible (fresh and useable). Because of this, Katsam is proud to offer water reclamation pressure washing services. Similar to the way homeowners or business owners may capture roof runoff water and reuse it, we capture the wastewater that is produced using recovery and filtration units. The water then passes through a filter and into a holding tank for reuse. Water captured during the process that we call ‘reclamation’ is of a high enough quality to be safe for human exposure.

Benefits of Reclamation Pressure Washing on the Environment

Parking Lot Sweeping | Katsam Enterprises

At Katsam Property Services, the work we do on a daily basis has a direct impact on the environment and the local community. Reclamation pressure washing has several positive benefits that we are proud to stand by, including:

  • Decrease pollution: Local watersheds and groundwater reservoirs can be polluted and damaged by wastewater produced as a byproduct of pressure washing equipment. Water reclamation ensures that only storm water goes into municipal sewers and drain systems.
  • Legal Compliance: Many states and local municipalities have strict laws about what can go into storm drains and sewers. We will help you stay compliant with environmental laws by using reclaimed water.
  • Increase the availability of local water supplies: Fresh water is in high demand, and it is common for water use to be regulated during especially hot summer months. Reclaim water use helps to increase the amount of fresh water accessible to homes and local ecosystems.
  • Lower operating costs: In some areas of the US, customers can be charged for the amount of water that is used and sent down sewers and storm drains. You can lower these costs by using reclaimed water for regular pressure washing services.

Get In Touch With Us!

If you have any questions, give us a call at (314) 423-7600.

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